If you are looking for a Reliable and Trustworthy brand for your Golf Cart Accessories, then you have come to the right store. Huskey is renowned and well known for its high-quality, long lasting and durable golf cart accessories. Your EZGO TXT golf cart shock absorbers are the major parts of your golf carts suspension and are critical to the stability and comfort of your vehicle. Along with the springs, these shock absorbers control the up and down motion of your wheels. Worn out or damaged components can make it hard to steer and rough going over speedbumps. If you notice a stiffer ride or squeaking when you get in and out of your vehicle or you experience any leakage or bottoming-out, it may be time to replace your golf carts shock absorbers. Shock Absorber Length Measure: • Rear Shock Absorber Closed Length 13 ¾” • Rear Shock Absorber open Length 16 7/8” How to install new shock absorbers on an EZGO TXT golf cart? Rear Shock Absorbers: • Jack your EZGO TXT golf cart up. • Remove the rear cover of your golf cart to easily access the top of the shocks. • Remove the upper and lower mounting nuts. • Pull the top nut of the shock with a wrench by twisting the strut in counter-clockwise direction. • Install bushing and washers again and place new rear shock absorbers and attach it with upper and lower nuts. • Tighten the nut until the bushing spreads to the width of the washers. • New shock absorber has been installed, repeat the same process for the other side. WHY CHOOSE HUSKEY PARTS COMPANY? We provide you with High Quality Accessories and OEM replacement parts. Our sourcing team fully qualifies and inspects our products at the point of manufacture to ensure the quality of parts. If there is a problem with your order we would appreciate the opportunity to make it right.